

I support research across multidisciplinary areas including health science, engineering, digital health, and design. The research focus on developing and testing innovative technology for sport and medical applications. My research projects have been supported with over $1.7 mil funding from industry and national organization bodies. 

My Research


My biomechanics research includes: (1) technology development for measuring movement, and (2) assessing such technology in human movement applications.


My sport biomechanics research is targeted to: (1) assess and improve performance, and (2) assess movement impairments, risk to injury, and effect of interventions.


The key objective in a medical intervention is to improve mobility. My research is focused on spinal and lower limb interventions and their effect on mobility and return to sport.


1. TelePhysio
I have designed and developed TelePhysio, a pervasive clinical tele-assessment solution for assessing postural and functional control using motion sensors embedded in smartphones. Unique aspects include: a) remote quantified postural and function control, and b) early detection of deviation, problems and potential complications.   
2. Spasticity
The aim of this project is to validate and measure the reliability of a novel approach to measure spasticity using motion sensors during passive assessment and during gait examinations of children with Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury patients.
3. Velocity Training
Determination of an individual’s maximal strength or 1 repetition maximum (1RM) is important for coaches to prescribe specific resistance training loads relative to an individual’s 1RM. The project  investigates the use of IMU to measure segment movement and developing algorithm to predict 1RM. 
4. Bionic eye
Together with the department of Engineering and Technology we are assessing new development of visual prosthesis and its effect on gait and obstacle clearance while walking in challenging environment. 
5. Robotics
There are several factors that may increase the risk of injury to the surgeon while performing Traditional Laparoscopic Surgery (TLS), and Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery (RALS) are developed to reduce these risks. This project examine the surgeon risk to musculoskeletal injuries during both TLS and RALS procedures.  
6. VR effect on walking 
Virtual reality has been identified as been beneficial to gait therapy in patients post stroke due to the relatively safe, flexible and motivating factors. The project investigates how does VR computer-graphics imagery methods effect the way we walk.  


1. Running injury
Running injuries are common and identifying the cause can assist in better targeting the intervention. The running injury project investigates the use of 3D motion capture data and IMU sensors to identify movement impairments and ground impact information to assist clinicians with targeted interventions.
2. Fly distance casting
Fly casting is an integral part of the sport of fly fishing, and competitions are now competed for in many countries, at all levels, from local competitions through to World Championships.  This study will explore the key determinants used by high performance competitors and instructors. The results are significant in providing preliminary understanding of the current technique taught and to allow both the development of new programs and research into casting technique and deliver performance improvement.
3. Muscle damage

It has been discovered by Lifecycle Technologies (LT) Pty Ltd that the immune system of all individuals is persistently oscillating, that is, switching on and off over an approximate 7-day cycle. The aim of this project is to determine whether the timing of eccentric exercise, with respect to the 7-day Immune Cycle, has a bearing on the level of inflammation and soreness generated and length of recovery. 

4. Sailing
The project is a collaboration with Northern Health on exercise delivered by simulated sailing and their applications to those at risk from falls and frailty. Real time "ride on" sailing simulators provide an introduction to sailing on land in a controlled, safe setting. This approach to acquiring an unfamiliar and potentially challenging skill has the potential to develop much broader resilience particularly in people who for physical, psychological or social reasons are reluctant to participate in challenging situations.  


1. Hip replacement
This project is a collaborative effort with Western Health. This research investigate muscle strength, 3D-motion analysis following three different surgical approaches of primary Total Hip Arthroplasty   
2. ACL reconstruction
There are several procedure options for ACL reconstruction including hamstring autograft and quadriceps autograft. This project examine isokinetic knee strength to inform decision pre surgery and recovery post surgery.
3. Hip FAI
Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome is a hip condition causing pain, reduced movement in the hip and functional limitations. The information obtained from this research will help guide the future care and assessment of patients as well increase our understanding of remote assessments of the hip. 
4. Chronic spinal cord
This project is a collaborative effort with UNSW, Neuroscience Research Australia, and Epworth. Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation combined with locomotor training to improve walking ability in people with chronic spinal cord injury. A randomised sham-controlled trial.
5. Low back pain
Low back pain is the leading cause of work absenteeism and activity limitations worldwide costing the Australian government $9 billion annually. This study aims to develop new technologies to assess the control of balance in people with low back pain.
Lift (C1 & C2)
6. Shoulder instability
The project examine the effect of implementing a shoulder rehabilitation program for atraumatic shoulder instability presentations in circus arts students. The project determine the effects of the Watson protocol on shoulder strength, scapula position, handstand strategy and PROMs in circus arts students with atraumatic shoulder instability.

Success Stories

In the past 5 years I collected quadriceps and hamstring isokinetic strength from over 400 ACL patients. The data is used for our research and assist orthopaedic surgeons such as Nigel Hartnett and physiotherapists such as at Lifecare. The information assist in decision making for the type of ACL reconstruction to be used. In addition, it provides clinicians with the information on the effect of intervention and readiness for return to sport.

- Oren Tirosh

I collaborate with

northern heath